Febuary 17, 2024 

Join the Modern Human
Extinction Movement 

The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement is too human centric

We moderns have two pathways: a Gaian future or no future.
 — idea attributed to Norman Myers

If you have one foot on the edge of a precipice and the other on thin air,
you will, assuming suicide is not your intent, choicelessly pull
back if you understand your predicament,
even if the other 8 billion do not.
Otherwise, enjoy the way down.

TO JOIN — remain a Modern human being.
Better to die than live like an animal.
Double down on MODERNITY.
Just keep on keeping on.
Believe in Lord Man.
Celebrate SELF.
“Live rightly.
die, die.”

Or not.


The Voluntary Modern Human Extinction Movement VS MHEM

Join the Modern Human Extinction Movement (MHEM)

MHEM to Save the Cosmos From Modern Humans

The Post Modern Earth

The United Federation of Watersheds (UFW)

The Coming New World Order

To Join or Not To Join

MHEM Updates
