Febuary 18, 2024 

The Voluntary Modern Human Extinction Movement VS MHEM 

If you haven’t been tempted to join the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, perhaps it is because you haven’t heard about VHEMT

We of MHEM are in no way associated with VHEMT as they are not nearly extreme enough — nor vehement enough. Membership in MHEM excludes all environmentalists (and other political animals). Theodore John Kaczynski was not a political animal (he was a modernized human of NIMH, but one who sought to renormalize).

The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement is an antinatalist environmental movement that calls for all people to abstain from reproduction in order to cause the gradual voluntary extinction of humankind. 

MHEM is pronatalist — about 1 in 250 women should have children, and when there are fewer than 7-35 million humans on the planet, the average woman should have 2.1 children (if not, then humans will go extinct — not saying good or bad). 

The VHEMT website (and members) supports human extinction primarily because it would prevent environmental degradation, e.g. end the Anthropocene mass extinction event that could rival that of the Permian (extinction of 90% of land plant/animal/fungi species and 96% of marine species) and mitigate a human die-off by Malthusian (premature) overshoot die off. 

VHEMT would end the Anthropocene if 99% of humans joined (or 51% join and force the 49% to go along — democratically, of course). MHEM notes that if modern humans could agree to a rapid birth-off to delay human extinction for an eon or so, then extinction would not be locked into the modern techno-industrial dynamic (but modern humans cannot allow their reproductive rights to be interfered with, ergo, modern humans shall pass away). 

The word “voluntary” is problematic. VHEMT was founded in 1991 and so far the pace of planetary destruction has not slowed. MHEM views modern humans as a complex, adaptive, dissipative but non-evolvable subsystem of the Gaian system (i.e. humans don’t get a vote on whether the second law of thermodynamics should be repealed so Lord Man can command and control the Cosmos). 

Modern humans are pursuing multiple pathways towards extinction, apparently to see which will get them there the fastest. Hence, a new movement is needed. Modern humans are incompatible with the biosphere, the Gaian system (and not because we say so). Modern humans are inhuman (are dehumanized hominins as dogs are decanidaed wolves).

To ensure the extinction of modern humans and recovery of the biosphere, JOIN MHEM NOW! and remain a modern human — you don’t need to change or do anything other that what you are doing now. The greater your enthusiasm, the sooner the Anthropocene ends. To feel better, to get a dopamine hit, please JOIN MHEM NOW! [When the Facebook group is big enough, MainStream Media will have to cover it and spread the message of why all modern humans should join MHEM NOW!]

If you know any 10 year olds, you can tell them you joined, that you did all you could (short of understanding and thereby being delivered from the remorseless dynamic we are all part of).

Click for link.


So, once you’ve joined MHEM, you don’t need to read anymore. Think about what you’re missing on TikTok. Seriously, relax, enjoy life while you can, if you can. Only a few freaks won’t be able to, and will (perhaps) pointlessly read on.



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